Last Updated 2018-03-25

Development Tools

  1. iTerm 2 - A feature rich replacement for Mac’s
  2. xCode - The Developer Tools installed with Xcode are required for many Mac Development features. Xcode 6 brings some amazing Mac OS and iOS development features.
  3. RubyMine - I absolutely love this IDE. I use it everyday for Ruby and Javascript development. I’d recommend it to any Ruby developer.
  4. Atom - Previously, I’ve used Sublime Text. Atom is very similar to Sublime but is a free open source editor. Highly recommended for development in PHP, Ruby, Javascript, etc.
  5. SourceTree - This is an incredibly powerful Git GUI.
  6. Beyond Compare - An amazing merge tool for Git. Only thing missing is a dark theme.

Documentation Tools

  1. Dash - For API documentation and code snippets. Although, I don’t use this for code snippets, this is my go to documentation tool. I have a keyboard shortcut setup for this that allows me to quickly pull it up and search a language/framework’s documentation.
  2. Quiver - Amazing tool for documenting your own processes, snippets, how-tos, etc.

Workflow Tools

  1. Alfred 3 - Mac Yosemite has since upgraded their spotlight feature to behave much like Alfred. Nonetheless, I still use Alfred app for its workflows, keyboard shortcuts, and more. I’ve used Alfred since version 1 and would still recommend this.
  2. Moom - I spend a lot of time moving an adjusting windows. Especially, for the screencasts that I record. Moom has been a priceless tool for me that has never let down.
  3. Keyboard - That’s right. The Keyboard settings in your Mac System Preferences area. In order to increase workflow, you just have to learn your computer’s keyboard shortcuts. There’s just no way around that.


  1. Ruby on Rails - This is my go to framework for anything web development.
  2. React - Facebook has done a great job with creating this Javascript Library. It can be integrated with Rails to increase user happiness.
  3. React Native - Another great addition to the Facebook open source arena. React Native makes developing on Android and iOS incredibly easy.
  4. Rubymotion - If you want to develop in Andriod and iOS but want to keep it Ruby, RubyMotion is for you.